One of the best games to play as the parent of a Middle Schooler is, “Guess the Emotion that’s Fueling this Behavior.” Is it fear?…
Third Plane
Preparing for the first day of school : Middle School
By the time your child reaches Middle School, they have probably had more first days of school than you can remember. It would be easy to…
Parenting in the Third Plane
The stereotypes about teenagers abound: the eye rolling, the cliques, talking-back, faces in their phones. If you only believed what you…
Summer for Middle Schoolers
By the time your child is in Middle School, you may think their days of summer camps are waning. They’re probably mature enough to stay…
How to Say Goodbye: Third Plane 12-18
The end of the school year for most Montessori adolescents is a mix of emotions. On the one hand, these are people whose development…
Bedtime in the Third Plane
Bedtime? For my teenager? Ok. Ok. Maybe you’re not doing read alouds and tucking in the covers anymore, but it’s still important to think…
Empathy in the Third Plane
By the time learners reach adolescence, their ability to take on the perspective of another person is well-developed. When you add this…
Persistence in the Third Plane
Like other developmental phenomena, children’s experiences with frustration and persistence reflect their stage of development. For…
Loneliness in the Third Plane
We keep being told that this generation is different. “Kids today” care less. They’re shallow. They’re soft. They don’t know how to deal…
Teacher Talk: Teaching in the Third Plane
Oh, you dear, patient, lovely people, you teachers of adolescents, you bold adventurers blazing a new path for an ever widening…