Math is a language of the spirit. Really. When Montessori acknowledged that the tendency toward the construction of the mathematical mind…
Math and the Adolescent
Montessori adolescent environments are strikingly distinct from traditional Middle Schools. While traditional classrooms may be doubling…
Math and the Elementary Mind
If you think of the window of development between birth and age six as marked by the construction of labels for files in a cognitive file…
Math and Early Childhood
The Math materials are an essential part of the Early Childhood classroom, designed to respond to what we understand about development at…
Math and the Infant/Toddler
You may have noticed the beautiful Math materials in Montessori early childhood and elementary classrooms. Enticing and elegant, a few…
The Number Rods
Look familiar? They should. The Number Rods follow almost the same initial presentation as the Red Rods, a perennial favorite in the…
Montessori Monday: The Fraction Insets
You’ve probably enjoyed any number of geometric drawings your child has brought home from his or her use of the Metal Insets. The Metal…
Montessori Monday: The Abacus
As children develop through early childhood, they are increasingly able to understand abstract ideas. This seems simple to adults, but…
Montessori Monday: The Multiplication Bead Boards
Long after a child has mastered the golden beads, when the sandpaper numbers are far behind her and the Bank Game is old hat, she’ll…
Montessori Monday: The Fraction Skittles
The Montessori Math materials are distinct for their ability to make concrete otherwise abstract concepts and, by doing so, to allow…