Some of our favorite Montessori materials are the ones that make elegant and simple seemingly complicated concepts. The math materials…
For Parents
Montessori Monday: The Long Chains
The Montessori Math materials offer concrete, manipulative experiences with concepts that most adults think about abstractly. Through…
You may have heard Montessorians use the language of “work,” to describe the materials on the shelf, or the activities in which the…
The Prepared “Environment”
environment, from Merriam-Webster: 1: the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that…
Guides and Teachers
What do we call those people who share and prepare Montessori environments? Are they Teachers? Guides? Directors? Facilitators? You’ll…
Scholars and Children
Language matters. The ways we refer to ourselves and the ways we refer to children, the special language we use to describe our work, it…
Montessori Monday: The Trinomial Cube
The Montessori materials all share certain qualities. They are beautiful. They are precise. They are didactic. They offer an isolated…
How to Say Goodbye: Third Plane 12-18
The end of the school year for most Montessori adolescents is a mix of emotions. On the one hand, these are people whose development…
How to Say Goodbye: Second Plane 6-12
Whether or not you’ve mentioned it yet, Elementary aged children are often already aware of the upcoming end of the school year. They may…
How to Say Goodbye: First Plane 3-6
It’s time for the end of the school year celebration, teacher thank-you’s and summer plans. For teachers and parents, this is a time of…