We know that one of the noticeable changes as children move into the Second Plane of development is their new interest in social settings…

We know that one of the noticeable changes as children move into the Second Plane of development is their new interest in social settings…
The Montessori materials all share certain characteristics. They are beautiful and elegant by design, isolating a single concept and…
A companion material to the Knobbed Cylinders, the Knobless Cylinders offer children extended practice with the relationships of height,…
Montessori classrooms are notable for their freedoms. Children seem to be following their own paths, unaffected by a whole-group-plan or…
Throughout the prepared environment, the Montessori materials follow a careful sequence, leading children through experiences that become…
When you observe in a Montessori classroom, you may be just as aware of what you don’t see as what you do. Where is the dress-up box?…
History demonstrates an ongoing tension between back-to-basics school reform and models that focus on the “whole child,” like Montessori,…
We then become witnesses to the development of the human soul; the emergence of the New Man, who will no longer be the victim of events…
Essential in the design of Montessori materials is the need to entice the child to work. The Snake Game is a perfect example of the…
While you may seem some of the same materials on the shelves, Toddler Montessori classrooms are not just simpler Early Childhood…