Glance through some school brochures. You’ll notice quite a bit of language in common: whole child, child-centered, low student-teacher…
For Parents
Still Waters Run Deep: Middle Schoolers and the First Day of School
One of the best games to play as the parent of a Middle Schooler is, “Guess the Emotion that’s Fueling this Behavior.” Is it fear?…
The Backs of Their Heads: Saying Goodbye in Elementary
By the time your children have hit the Elementary years, the transition back to school is usually old-hat. Their more excited now to see…
See You Later! Saying Goodbye in Early Childhood
Depending on your school, the first day of Early Childhood may take a number of different structures. You might be invited to escort your…
A Kiss Goodbye: Leaving Your Child in Infant and Toddler
It doesn’t matter if your child is eighteen months or eighteen years old… you remember that first day of school. The palpitations…
Left to Right, Top to Bottom: The Prepared Environment
“Can I see your shelves?” What an odd question. And, yet, if you spend much time with Montessori teachers, you’ll almost inevitably hear…
Preparing for the first day of school : Middle School
By the time your child reaches Middle School, they have probably had more first days of school than you can remember. It would be easy to…
Preparing for the first day of school: Elementary
The preparations to return to school shift when your child is in Elementary. Gone are the fears about being away from their parents. In…
Preparing for the First Day of School: 3-6
Maybe you’re getting ready to bring your child for their first day in Montessori. Maybe your child is an experienced third-year student…
Preparing for the First Day of School: 0-3
Whether this is the first time your child is headed to school or you’re preparing for your youngest of six, the first day of school…