“We’ll read one book before bedtime,” you tell your child. “Four.” “Two.” “Three.” “OK. Three. But that’s all.” Of our children’s many…
All Planes
You don’t always get what you want…
We are hard-wired to want to protect our children, to care for them and to want to keep them from suffering. When our babies cry, our…
Montessori 101
“Montessori” can mean a lot of things: the Montessori Method, Dr. Montessori, a philosophy of parenting, of teaching, of life, the…
Biophilia: Stop reading this and go outside
It seems like every morning, I’m being recommended readings on children, youth and anxiety. And I guess I’m not surprised to see so much…
Independence Day
Here in the US, the Fourth of July marks the signing, on July 4, 1776, of the Declaration of Independence, when the Second Continental…
Montessori in the Wild: Parenting in Unpredictable Circumstances
For many children, this is a time of new spaces, the school year ending and a list of new summer camps or travel to take its place. And…
Montessori Monday: Water
Water, water, everywhere. You find it in Infant and Toddler water tables, in the Practical Life area throughout the curriculum, in the…
Consuming Minds
For even the most stoic of us, the news cycle seems more challenging then ever. It challenges our understanding of leadership. It…
A Veritable World Power
“But humanity is not yet ready for the evolution that it desires so ardently, the construction of a peaceful and harmonious society that…
Child of the World
Today, however, those things which occupy us in the field of education are the interests of humanity at large and of civilization, and…