You may have noticed the beautiful Math materials in Montessori early childhood and elementary classrooms. Enticing and elegant, a few…
For Teachers
The Number Rods
Look familiar? They should. The Number Rods follow almost the same initial presentation as the Red Rods, a perennial favorite in the…
Teacher Talk: Observing Sensorial Development
We can sometimes underestimate the power of the Sensorial materials, thinking about them only as simple activities that let children…
The Sensorial Materials: Visual Discrimination
Within the beautiful materials of the Sensorial area, you’ll find specific lessons designed to support the child’s developing visual…
Montessori Monday: The Broad Stair
One of our favorites, the Broad Stair or Brown Stair is a constant attraction in the Montessori classroom. A frequent partner to the Pink…
Teacher Talk: Welcoming Guests
If your school is like many others, you may have had an intentional delay for classroom observation and visits until a few weeks into the…
Carnivals and Classrooms
If you were to draw your conclusions about children’s development based on the products you see marketed to them, you might presume that…
Limits and Freedoms
Montessorians often use the language of, “Freedom with limits,” to describe the open ended choice enjoyed by children in these…
The Three Hour Work Cycle
Of all the ways we consider time in the Montessori classroom, the Three Hour Work Cycle is one of the most important units. The work…
Montessori Monday: The Metal Insets
Simple geometric shapes and two or three colored pencils: who would imagine that such an unassuming combination could create such…