In most Montessori classrooms, you’ll find a standing rack with a number of curious frames hanging on it. One frame includes panels of…
For Parents
Parenting on Vacation
The kids are home from school. Maybe you’re still working, or trying to. Maybe you’re juggling grandparents or babysitters or other…
Montessori 101
“Montessori” can mean a lot of things: the Montessori Method, Dr. Montessori, a philosophy of parenting, of teaching, of life, the…
Montessori Monday: Addition with the Golden Beads
The Montessori materials share certain qualities: they are hands-on, beautiful and self-correcting. They isolate concepts to be explored…
Treasure Hunt: Finding the Montessori School for your Family
So, you’ve heard about Montessori and you’ve decided you want to know more about it. First things first: you google “Montessori” and the…
Montessori Monday: The Pink Series
Legend has it that, when Dr. Montessori sought to translate her original design for reading materials from phonetic Italian to the much…
Montessori Monday: The Geometric Cabinet
In almost every Montessori classroom you visit, from toddler through elementary, you’ll notice a set of drawers, constructed of simple,…
A Beginning, Middle and End: The Cycle of Activity
As the school year progresses, you’ll see the simpler, familiar activities on the classroom shelves replaced with beautiful, carefully…
Montessori Monday: The Binomial Cube
Algebra? In preschool? Why not? As a field of mathematics, algebra addresses concepts that apply regardless of the individual quantities…
Thankful: Montessori
It’s the American Thanksgiving, and across the country, families are gathering together to acknowledge the things for which they are…