By the time learners reach adolescence, their ability to take on the perspective of another person is well-developed. When you add this…
For Parents
Empathy in the Second Plane
If you believe what you see in the media, you might expect children in the Second Plane to be just plain awful, disrespectful and…
Empathy in the First Plane: 3-6
As infants and toddlers, children demonstrate initial kindness, especially toward people with whom they have a special bond. As they move…
Empathy in the First Plane: 0-3
Are children naturally empathetic? You may have heard of the phenomenon of infants crying in a nursery, reacting to each other’s cries in…
Montessori Monday: The Montessori Bells
The Montessori classrooms is filled with materials which are both wonder-ful and didactic, introducing specific, precise concepts but…
Persistence in the Third Plane
Like other developmental phenomena, children’s experiences with frustration and persistence reflect their stage of development. For…
Persistence in the Second Plane
Children in the First Plane of development are learning how to push through struggles, how to try again and again and again, often…
Persistence in the First Plane
We may hope for a peaceful future for our children, that they are successful and supported throughout their lives. We may want to protect…
When We Parent…
Someone asked me a question recently that began with, “When you parent…” When don’t I parent? For years, a poster hung in my house that…
Montessori Monday: The Grammar Symbols
Do you remember learning grammar in Elementary school? Did you memorize the definition of a noun (” a person, place, thing or idea,”)…