While this is the time of year when many parents and schools are preparing for their Fall registrations, when new combinations of…
For Parents
Preserving their Spirits
The human spirit, that human spirit that we should first and foremost consider when we think of education, is glorious, enthusiastic; it…
Intrinsic Motivation & the Traditionally-Educated Child
Children are born motivated to learn. Think about how much a newborn changes and learns in their first year of life. No one grades them…
Supporting Montessori in the Public Sector
It’s been almost fifty years since the rapid expansion of Montessori education brought this method to the public sector, and today, there…
Montessori Monday: The Green Materials
If you remember full-group spelling lessons in your elementary school, it may be hard to imagine how language can be taught in classrooms…
Loneliness in the Third Plane
We keep being told that this generation is different. “Kids today” care less. They’re shallow. They’re soft. They don’t know how to deal…
Aggression in the Second Plane
If we think of the First Plane of development as a time when the child is building their cognitive filing cabinets, classifying and…
Aggression in the First Plane
While Montessori classrooms are generally peaceful places to be, and Montessori teachers describe the intrinsic peacefulness of the…
Nomenclature Cards and Purposeful Writing
Once children have begun to write letters, they are quickly motivated to apply that knowledge to useful, meaningful activities. But a…
Sandpaper Letters and Metal Insets
Just as the Montessori classroom allows ample practice for the physical skills children will need to master holding a pencil, we also…