A core tenet of Montessori is that children are free to move. We understand that the child’s developing mind is influenced by their…

A core tenet of Montessori is that children are free to move. We understand that the child’s developing mind is influenced by their…
It’s estimated that most toddlers walk the equivalent of two and a half miles, roughly 14,000 steps (but also including over a hundred…
There are few materials that can claim to be as fully-engaging as the Red Rods. Prominent in the Sensorial area, the Rods are an…
By the time learners reach adolescence, their ability to take on the perspective of another person is well-developed. When you add this…
If you believe what you see in the media, you might expect children in the Second Plane to be just plain awful, disrespectful and…
As infants and toddlers, children demonstrate initial kindness, especially toward people with whom they have a special bond. As they move…
Are children naturally empathetic? You may have heard of the phenomenon of infants crying in a nursery, reacting to each other’s cries in…
You’d be hard pressed to visit any Montessori early childhood classroom in the world and not find the Knobbed Cylinders on the shelf….
As we move past the transitional first days of school and the rhythms of the school year begin to be established, we will begin sending…
We know that one of the noticeable changes as children move into the Second Plane of development is their new interest in social settings…