It’s a sort of curious activity to watch: a young child, mesmerized, repeatedly transferring some small object from one container to…
Teacher Talk: Welcoming Guests
Just when your class has finally hit its pace, when the hectic scheduling of the holidays is behind you and the children have returned to…
Carnivals and Classrooms
If you were to draw your conclusions about children’s development based on the products you see marketed to them, you might presume that…
Limits and Freedoms
Montessorians often use the language of, “Freedom with limits,” to describe the open ended choice enjoyed by children in these…
Why Did We Have To Have All These Kids, Anyway?
Glance through some school brochures. You’ll notice quite a bit of language in common: whole child, child-centered, low student-teacher…
Visiting a Montessori classroom
It’s that time of year, when families are thinking about their children’s registration for the Fall semester and visiting different…
Montessori Monday: The Farm
The Montessori didactic materials are designed to match particular qualities of children’s development we understand to be inherent to…
Teacher Talk: Teaching in the Third Plane
Oh, you dear, patient, lovely people, you teachers of adolescents, you bold adventurers blazing a new path for an ever widening…
Parenting in the Third Plane
The stereotypes about teenagers abound: the eye rolling, the cliques, talking-back, faces in their phones. If you only believed what you…
Montessori in the Third Plane
Montessori observed particular trends in children’s development, which she called, “Planes of Development,” and which guide our practice,…