You might remember your school Valentine’s Day celebrations from childhood: the paper-covered shoe-boxes or paper bags to collect…
Supporting Montessori in the Public Sector
It’s been almost fifty years since the rapid expansion of Montessori education brought this method to the public sector, and today, there…
Montessori Monday: The Green Materials
If you remember full-group spelling lessons in your elementary school, it may be hard to imagine how language can be taught in classrooms…
Teacher Talk: When Children Are Hurtful
The child is capable of developing and giving us tangible proof of the possibility of a better humanity. He has shown us the true process…
Aggression in the Second Plane
If we think of the First Plane of development as a time when the child is building their cognitive filing cabinets, classifying and…
Aggression in the First Plane
While Montessori classrooms are generally peaceful places to be, and Montessori teachers describe the intrinsic peacefulness of the…
Sensorial Materials: Geometry
The Sensorial materials may emphasize the development and refinement of the senses, but they are equally powerful tools for supporting…
Sensorial Materials: Gustatory & Olfactory Development
For tools that are so influential to our experience of the world, we tend to overlook the sense of smell and sense of taste when we think…
Montessori Monday: The Color Boxes
Children are fascinated with color, and learning to name and distinguish colors is one of those early skills parents delight in…
Teacher Talk: Observing Sensorial Development
We can sometimes underestimate the power of the Sensorial materials, thinking about them only as simple activities that let children…